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February 3, 2009

cold nightsshelf road

pitching your tent on a 4" layer of snow doesn't always give someone the comfort that it's going to be a cozy night sleeping. things that make this thought go away. . . the stars, someone to curl up next to, climbing in 60 degree sunshiny weather, burnt food tasting like pure campfire [yummm] and knowing that you are in the middle of a knockout landscape. a little shivering in your sleeping bag is minor compared to these luxuries. i've been to shelf. rd. three times since i've moved to colorado and it is pretty much an awesome place to spend a weekend climbing camping and hanging out with friends. it's a relatively short drive from denver and takes you right into the heart of the Wet Mountains. a perfect get-away location for the weekend. the whole idea of being far away but not too far to drive for two days, but just far enough sort of thing. it's the whole process of getting in your car and moving yourself to a new far off location that sets your mind right. i don't feel that this could be achieved by spending the night in your local park or wooded backyard. but maybe that is the imagination i've lost since i was six =( i believe the authenticity in people have the opportunity to come out when placed in nature. this is outside of our everyday environment [or so the majority] and allows the soul to open up to new heights. at least this is true for me and i love it. and for the bonus, the shower you get to take once you get home is always and over again 'the best thing'.
so we camped. climbed to our hearts content. burnt our own food and ate it. star-gazed. drank some snow-chilled beer. had a blast. and least of which tried to stay warm.

on another note, but still in the frame of mind. i've been thinking about urban camping and all that entails. urban dictionary defines it as camping in an urban setting by sleeping on rooftops, under bushes, and in public parks.hmmm...looks like fun.

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