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April 12, 2011

this one time...

i went to the local hospital.
my tummy was not feeling so great and needed some attention :( i blame the delicious yet new food Annu cooks for us and i've been indulging in each day. though apparently a weak stomach is even common for the local indian. just maybe i am fitting right in, now for the blinding white complexion i've managed, that is a different story.

my first visit to the landour hospital was with ivy and sure glad she accompanied me on this venture. who would have known to go to window #2 promptly? also being sure to leave zero space between you and then next person in '"line" or you would perpetually be between the last and second to last person. if you managed to stand your ground you were awarded with questions in this order:

are you married?
why are you single?
what is your husbands name?
well then, what is your father's name?
don't you have correct change for your visit?

then on to room #5 or #7 depending on ...on...well i'm not sure how they determined that one, perhaps whichever doctor became available first. then back over to window #1 to settle your bill for the 1.5 minute doctor visit and brown bag pills. lastly, over to the pharmacy to pick up said medicine. waaaala! medicine given to cure me until the next time i swallow a drop of unfiltered water or devour an unwashed bunch of grapes.
there was no insurance needed, no background medical history or even a check of the passport to make sure i am who i am. just happy to serve and quite inexpensive. thank you, indian health care.

in total:
one time registration fee------- 200 rupees
plastic cup for testing in the lab-- 75 rupees
3 different prescriptions---------70 rupees
that comes to: $7.67 USD !

April 4, 2011


well folks we had a photo contest in the office. all the way with an anonymous vote. the hardest part was choosing just ONE photograph to enter. our amazing in house photographer, anni, won. not such a big surprise as her image was wonderful. plus, i'm a fan of repetition.


here is the one i picked; taken right after we arrived in bombay.
also included is a haiku description just for you, you're welcome.

open eyes to dark
locals gait, rickshaw hail, horn.
nightscape of Bombay


take a look at that gentleman [photo by grahamfrank]