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September 26, 2012

ode to the open road and what moving oneself to new destinations does to the spirit.

gosh darn-it, who am i?
who are you (yes, you)?
what pieces do we get to pick?
what parts are chosen by nature?
what combinations take root with nurture?

below is part of my ideal existence:

"she is one of those rare people who lead active lives, engaged, alert, slightly reckless and unsettled, open to grief and to joy, and who can then tell you with clarity and warmth about what has happened to them." (on author: dorothy gallagher)

welp, a beautiful lady and i traveled to new berlin locations, dresden and prague. will post soon-ish with a slightly skewed and critical perspective. or at the very least a picture.

September 12, 2012

reading a thought

" the desire to remember and the desire
to   forget   are  indissolubly  mixed "
i have been reading more in my life than ever before. mostly non-fiction, but that is usually all i ever read. 
sometimes i wish i had the i-phone just to use the notepad app (and maybe the app that tells you where public bathrooms are). not that i couldn't be old-school and have a little pocket book and pen with me at all times, i often do, but in this day and age we most certainly have a handy (german name for cell-phone) with us at all times. it would make for the remembering of little texts and thoughtful words easily available for later reflection since they would be permanently noted. but then i think, if i always had a pen and notepad with me i would clumsily wash my faber-castell black pen too often. yes, it has already happened here which didn't bode well for the small selection of clothes my closet contains.
well, about this reading. it is mostly about the history of the city of berlin, or urbanism on a whole, bits and pieces of different critics on the development happening here, german children's books, these sorts of things. since, i believe, there is something so personal to receive from cities, especially one such as berlin, you can relate some hidden pieces of the text about cities to other aspects outside of which they are meant. this is the case at hand. it just takes a bit of sun-staring and chem-trail chasing. or squinting to find the beauty in this city, which to some is not very apparent. but that definitely depends on what beautiful is to you. think about that. i dare you.
as the quote mentions, remembering and forgetting are permanently bonded together, our desire to that is. do you ever think about something so much SO that you will never forget it? or why is it that we will never forgot an instance in our life that may have been just a fleeting moment? i don't think we get the choice to forget. but would like to believe we get the choice to remember. however, i'm not certain it works that way. i would be lying if i said that when in the past someone forgot something we shared or experienced together that i feel like i would not ever forget has saddened me. though i'm positive i have be in the reverse role. it's all so personal: it's how we engage with our surroundings, the person in front of us, the landscape we stand in, the repetitive ways we turn our bodies, the context of our conversations. the amazing thing about these thoughts to me, is that i believe, as an aspiring urban designer, our profession could create a place or stage if you will, to grant people the ability to remember with a place/city/park/street/younameit as the setting.

now to create. 

September 3, 2012

kino international

i went to the kino. kino is the movies. going to the movies in another country is something i really enjoy doing, i believe it to be cultural. just once or twice. except i saw a not so good movie this time around. better luck next time. i got overly excited too quickly. though the architecture did make up for it. one fine day, on the bike ride from work i bumped into this building for the 3rd or so time, though this day i hit it square on and coaxed me to come have a look. you see, the ride to work is usually unwavering and i have little time for random turns, i have already pulled the 'whoops i got lost card four too many times'. the afternoon however, well that is a completely different genre. my 'commute' home has nearly tripled in time as i lolly gag my way home, with no peeking at the map.
this building is truly a gem. built during the soviet era in the 1960's in the international style (modernism) it truly has kept its beauty over the years. it is an ant compared to the other karl marx allee buildings it sits upon. it is calling you to come in with the protruding roof cantilevering over the entry. i did enter and was sold when i was told that the movie showing would be in original version. i still fell asleep.
[a few pictures, missed snapping the upstairs pink lounge, will just have to make a trip back. you come. we go!] 

                                     nov. 1963 image