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August 24, 2011

...for those of you comin' home


grad school starts tomorrow.
that means a heck of a lot has happened in the past months, well, since may of my last post. it saddens me that i have been cheating on this blog with other amusements. the least of which is couch lounging, the most of which is bavarian journies. if i could chat and relay all that has been felt/experienced/gazed upon/devoured/soaked up, please believe me when i say i would. though to be quite honest with you, whomever you are, things just got a little too personal. so personal it made some changes. good, great, wonderful changes.

moving forward....i have a new city to explore. austin is the choice and it gives me great pleasure to traverse through this city and find its magnificence. because i hear it's there to experience.